{Shikoku Hachijūhachikasho Meguri}

--For Those Short of Time--

You want to make it around the henro trail, but you don't have the time it takes to walk the entire distance? It seems that more and more people are opting to walk and use public transportation where it is available to save time. While this is a viable option, because there are buses everywhere and trains along the North, East, and West coasts, there isn't a lot of information available to help you plan.

The English guidebook Shikoku Japan 88 Route Guide does offer some advice, but it can be improved on. A basic plan is laid out on page 16 of the current edition of the guidebook. This shows a map of the island with the henro trail and each of the temples. Also outlined are a series of trains and buses you can use to get around the island, although some walking is obviously still required. Using the information on this map along with the access information listed in the information box for each temple throughout the book, you can get around the island.

Another option, and much more detailed information, is available on a website from the Japan Ministry of Tourism at http://wwwtb.mlit.go.jp/shikoku/88navi/en/. This lays out a plan that actually goes from one temple to the next in a very sequential manner. (Like the guidebook plan, this includes a fair about of walking.)

Please note: this is not a plan that i have laid out, tried, and tested — it is the plan proposed by the Japanese Ministry of Tourism. Therefore, before anyone asks, i have no idea how long it will take to complete the pilgrimage using this plan.
